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Max & Stacy – A visit to see Mr keiser and Ms Herbert.

Earlier this week Dr Bob @drbobgill got speak to Max Keiser @maxkeiser and Stacy Herbert @stacyherbert For “Double Down” Their podcast for Sputnik . About the not so National Health Service, and PFI’s Gobbling up the funds of hospital Trusts, and our documentary The Great NHS Heist.


Short video of highlights will be available shortly. Will keep you posted.

Progress with the Project.

This week we have been researching (as usual) organising, planning and getting the Crowd Funding video filmed.


Just a few more people to film and we can get the Crowd funder started.

Whilst Having a meeting in the festival hall on South Bank in the week. We  Bumped in to Mr Brian Eno. His daughter is training to be a Doctor. We had a nice chat with him.

Hi Folks its all systems are go…

Lots of work ahead so lets get cracking!

We are going to produce a film The Great NHS Heist. a follow on fro SELL OFF highlighting the on going and relentless project to dismantle the NHS.

this picture was taekn out side the High courts For Justice when the junior doctors where fighting  to have their case heard without having to lodge a huge 6 figure surety
